Jul 24, 2024

UNI Wrestling facility project receives $400,000 lead gift

The Young Family Foundation of Waterloo has announced a lead gift of $400,000 toward a new training facility for UNI’s wrestling program. The foundation is a long-time loyal supporter of UNI, with previous support of the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center and McLeod Center. 

Mike Young, a director of the foundation, says the project is vital to the future of UNI wrestling and that he hopes the donation will help spur additional support for the training facility.  

“Strong community backing for this project is essential to its success and demonstrates the support the Cedar Valley and the state have for the sport of wrestling,” said President Mark Nook. “The Young Family Foundation gift will encourage other organizations and individuals to get onboard the Panther Train and invest in the future of wrestling at UNI.”

The university is engaging architects to develop detailed plans for a facility comparable in size to the former wrestling space in the West Gym. Conceptual plans include features such as weight and cardio training spaces, multiple wrestling mats, locker rooms and office space as well as a rehabilitation room and training room. 

The wrestling training facility project is a part of UNI's Our Tomorrow campaign and will be solely financed by private gifts. Donations to the project are tax-deductible through the UNI Foundation and can be made outright or as a multi-year pledge. Gifts of $5,000 or more will be recognized on a donor wall within the new facility.

Rendering of new UNI wrestling training facility

For more information, visit ourtomorrow.uni.edu/wrestlingtrainingfacility

Read the full story on unipanthers.com.