Mar 08, 2019

UNI Students Provide Free Tax Return Help for Low- and Moderate-Income Iowans

Each year, UNI accounting students prepare hundreds of tax returns free of charge. Not only does this help low- and moderate-income people who cannot prepare their own tax returns, it gives the students real-world experience as they prepare to graduate and start their own careers.

The accounting department offers free tax help through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. In fact, the Internal Revenue Service has called UNI’s program the best VITA site in Iowa.

Working through actual tax returns and interacting with the clients gives the UNI accounting students an important learning opportunity. To provide the service, these senior or graduate level students have completed a one-semester comprehensive tax course, received additional training and have access to a variety of federal and state reference materials. They prepare and e-file federal and state tax returns for eligible taxpayers.

The VITA program was established by the Internal Revenue Service to help those who may find it difficult to pay for tax preparation services. Certified volunteers receive training to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country. The UNI accounting department staffs a site to serve members of the Cedar Valley community. For more information, visit their website.

Did You Know: UNI was one of the first VITA sites in the nation to prepare returns electronically and is one of only a few sites that prepare returns for nonresidents.