UNI to host the third annual Education Summit
The University of Northern Iowa's College of Education will host the third annual Education Summit on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 6 and 7, in Maucker Union. This year's theme is “Inclusive Praxis for 21st Century Education: Advocacy, Challenges and the Public Good.”
Designed for teachers, university faculty, policymakers and other education stakeholders, UNI's 2017 Education Summit will explore the opportunities and challenges of 21st century education. The summit will feature presentations, panels and dialogue sessions led by state, regional and national experts, including scholars and practitioners.
Keynote speakers for the summit are LeDerick Horne and Lisa Delpit. Breakout session presenters will represent institutions of higher education in Iowa and nationwide, Iowa school districts and AEAs, and education policy organizations. Breakout session topics include community engagement and partnerships, promoting students' work readiness, addressing persistent inequities in schools, students with learning disabilities, students who have experienced trauma, and students who are English Language Learners from Underrepresented Languages.
Registration for the 2017 Education Summit is open and available here. For more information and a full schedule, visit here.