Mar 26, 2013

National recognition for UNI's chemistry students

UNI's Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS) received the Outstanding Chapter award for 2011-2012. The group was recognized in the November/December 2012 issue of inChemistry Magazine and will be honored during the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans next month.  

To receive this award, chapters must either meet or exceed all of their goals. The UNI chapter co-hosted blood drives, presented chemistry magic shows to hundreds of families during UNI's Family Weekend, and hosted “Halloween House Day” for 1,000 elementary and high school students. About 45 UNI students and faculty performed a series of chemistry and physics demonstrations in theme rooms that included Pirate's Cove, Frankenstein's Lab, Devil's Den and the Witches Lair.

Along with volunteering and community outreach, the student group also demonstrated excellent chapter development, attended a variety of department seminar, hosted a series of social events and activities and conducted chapter meetings.




Upcoming Event: 

African Culture Night
Friday, March 29, 7 to 11 p.m., Old Central Ballroom, Maucker Union
Enjoy food, music, dancing, poetry, an African fashion show and an overview of African cultures and backgrounds.