Jan 07, 2021

Educating Iowans for Iowa

Educating Iowans for Iowa

At UNI, we are focused on preparing graduates for Iowa’s future workforce. Nearly 90% of UNI students are from Iowa, and 85% of those Iowa students stay in the state after they graduate to work or continue their education. In addition, approximately 50% of the non-residents who graduate from UNI stay in the state and contribute to our skilled workforce. UNI educates Iowans for Iowa.

UNI also provides assistance to Iowa small and medium-sized businesses in all 99 counties. Each state dollar invested in UNI’s economic development efforts creates $5 in revenue from grant or private sources. Specific areas of service offered by BCS include entrepreneurship, community and economic development, market research, environmental research, sustainability, advanced manufacturing, metal casting and additive manufacturing.

UNI is committed to student success and upholding our public charge to be open and accessible. Our budget request for fiscal year (FY) 2022 will enable us to increase enrollment by keeping tuition and fees affordable and competitive while providing a high quality education. The FY 2022 state appropriations request is $1.5 million in recovery funds from the FY 2021 cut plus an additional $4 million investment from the state to keep costs affordable for Iowa students and their families.

Additional legislative budget requests:

  • $6.35 million for STEM education
  • $1 million for economic development
  • $900,000 from the Regents Innovation Fund
  • $400,000 for UNI’s additive manufacturing center
  • $172,768 for the recycling and reuse center
  • $123,523 for real estate education

With 90+ majors and full-time faculty in 99 percent of all classes, UNI provides a great opportunity for students to explore a variety of interests to prepare them for success after college. We look forward to sharing our story with you this legislative session.