Jan 26, 2018

Action Alert: Senate proposes detrimental cuts to UNI

The Iowa Senate is proposing to cut UNI's state funding by 4% for our current budget, which ends June 30, 2018. This $3.75 million cut with just five months left in our fiscal year will have a huge impact on what we do at UNI. This comes after already withstanding mid-year cuts last year.

It's imperative the state continues to provide the state funding needed to ensure the cost of a UNI education continues to be reasonable allowing us to remain competitive and affordable for Iowa families. With nearly 90% of UNI's enrollment coming from Iowa, this truly affects Iowa families!

We need your help. Please contact your local state senator and state representative at this link and tell them a 4% cut to UNI's state funding with only five months left in our fiscal year will harm critical services provided to UNI students. You can also contact the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Charles Schneider, at Charles.Schneider@legis.iowa.gov or 515-657-7375.

The full Senate is to consider these cuts early next week. It is crucial that you, as alumni and supporters, communicate with state legislators telling them not to cut UNI's state funding.

Thank you in advance for your support of UNI. We will provide additional updates on the legislative budget process as they become available.